Celebrant Moments by Mairéad
Celebrant & Solemniser
Welcome to Celebrant Moments:
Your Personal Celebrant in Ireland
Celebrant Moments by Mairéad
Celebrant & Solemniser
Ceremonies -
Weddings, Renewal of Vows, Naming Ceremonies, Elopements & Funeral Ceremonies.
Wedding Ceremony
Congratulations, you are getting married!
Your special day should be perfect in every way, and I can help you achieve your dreams.
Every couple is unique. I pride myself on being able to create the 'perfect' ceremony - just for you!
I am a registered Solemniser, so I can provide a legally binding wedding ceremony.
Click here for more information
Photo cred - Franphoto.ie & Brontephotography.ie
Renewal of Vows Ceremony
This ceremony is for married couples who wish to celebrate a renewal of their marriage vows in a unique and personal ceremony accompanied by family and friends. It is an ideal opportunity to commemorate a special anniversary, such as the 10th, 25th, 40th, or 50th, but the ceremony is just as appropriate at any stage of marriage.
Due to the pandemic, a lot of couples didn't get to celebrate and declare their love in front of their family and friends, why not do it now!!
Click here for more information
Baby / Naming Ceremony
Once you have registered the birth of your newborn baby and if you prefer not to have a traditional religious christening, there is an alternative. A baby naming ceremony can be a lovely way to celebrate your new arrival.
Family, friends, and godparents (or supporting adults) can be involved in any way you wish, with readings, special wishes/blessings for the baby/child. The occasion can include religious, spiritual, and/or symbolic elements.
Click here for more information
Eloping is a marriage conducted without the knowledge of the couple's family and friends, particularly their parents. Typically, those who elope only have a ceremony and do not host a reception or celebration.
If planning your elopement is giving you those stress sweats you were trying to avoid, I am here to help.
Click here for more information
Funeral Ceremony
The day on which you say your final farewell is like no other. When the inevitable happens, it is reassuring to know that I am available to help and guide you through the process and assist you to make arrangements at what can be a very upsetting time. A time when friends and family come together to say goodbye to a loved one. When we lose someone very dear to us, not only should we mourn their passing, but we should celebrate their life and achievements.
Please allow me the honour and privilege of performing this last task for your loved one. Increasingly, bereaved families are customising ceremonies to honour & respect their loved ones in ways that reflect their spirit and personality. There is a clear shift away from the formal and traditional ceremony (with all its liturgy) to a real celebration of life.
This is an area where I am experienced and truly gifted. Handcrafting a personal service to celebrate the life of your loved one who has passed away.
Click here for more information
Memorial Ceremony
A memorial service celebrates the life of the deceased. Memorial services can take place any time after the death, from a week to a year, and maybe held in any location. Many people choose locations with personal significance, such as a favorite beach, park, the family home, or locations that can accommodate a large group.
Click here for more information
Other Life Events
Family Blending
If you have adopted a child, imagine how excited and loved that child will feel when you have a special celebration to mark the event, welcoming him or her into your family. Perhaps you have entered a new marriage or partnership, and one or both of you have children from a previous relationship. A ceremony involving the couple and all the children will help to consolidate the new family unit.
Click here for more information
Mark any occasion with a unique and personalised ceremony.